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Professor & HoD Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, JSS College of Pharmacy, (Constituent College, JSS Academy of Higher Education &Research-Deemed to be University, Mysuru) Ooty-643 001, The Nilgiris, Tamilnadu,INDIA The author has about 23 years of teaching and research experience. The Author has more than 110 research publications in reputed National and International journals and has H-index 16 by scopus. He has also published 9 books. He is a recognized research guide for Ph.D in JSS Academy of Health Education and Research and He served as editorial member and reviewer in many reputed National and International journals. He is the winner in Drug Discovery Hackathon-2020 for Covid-19 Drug discovery organized by Govt of India and also received a Research grant of 14.35 lakhs in phase-II research. He is nominated as BOS member in various universities. He has organized many national and International seminar/ workshop/ Conferences etc sponsored by various funding agencies.

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Monday, April 1, 2019

Pharm.D_POC_Carbonyl Compounds_MCQ

Pharm.D_POC_Carbonyl Compounds_MCQ

1.Cannizaro reaction is not given by
A) Formaldehyde   
B) Trimethyl acetaldehyde 
C) Acetaldehyde     
D) Benzaldehyde

2.Aldehydes having no α-hydrogen atoms undergo
A) Tishenko reaction   
B) Reimer Tiemann reaction
C) Cannizaro reaction 
D) Rosenmund reaction

3.Conversion of a carboxylic acid to an ester is known as
A) Reduction     
B) Oxidation
C) Esterification     
D) Polymerization

4.Conversion of an aldehyde to an alcohol is generally known as
 A) Reduction     
 B) oxidation
 C) Esterification     
 D) substitution

5.Which class of compound is an example of a carbonyl compound?
A) Alcohol   
B) Carboxylic acid
C) Alkene   
D) Alkane

6.Which molecule is an example of a ketone?
A) Ethanal   
B) Ethanoic anhydride
C) Propan-2-one    
D) Propanamide

7.Which of the following alcohols forms a ketone when oxidized?
A) 1-propanol   
B) methanol
C) 2-methyl-2-propanol 
D) 2-propanol

8.Clemmensen reduction of a ketone is carried out in the presence of which of the following?
A) H2 and Pt as catalyst   
B) Glycol with KOH
C) Zn-Hg with HCl   
D) LiAlH4

9.Which of the following compound undergos condensation reaction
 (a) Ether
 (b) Alkene
 (c) Alkene
 (d) Aldehyde

10.Aldehydes that contain alpha hydrogens undergos
 (a) Cannizzaros reaction
 (b) Aldol condensation 
 (c)  Benzoin condensation
 (d) Perkin condensation

11.Aldehydes that do not contain alpha hydrogens undergos
 (a) Perkin condensation
 (b) Aldol condensation
 (c)  Crossed aldol condensation
 (d) Cannizzaros reaction

12.Which of the following aldehyde participates in Perkin condensation
(a) Acetaldehyde
 (b) Propanaldehyde
 (c)  Butaraldehyde
 (d) Benzaldehyde 

13.Benzoin condensation proceeds in the presence of
a) Alcoholic KOH
b) Aqueous KOH
c) Alcoholic KCN
d)Alcoholic K2CO3

14.Which of the following intermediate is formed during aldol condensation mechanism
a) Free radical
b) Carbanion 
c) Carbocation
d) Carbene

15.What is the product formed when a ketone reacts with hydroxyl amine
a) Imine
b) Schiffs base
c) Oxime
d) Aldol

16.Which of the following likely to be a product of Perkin condensation
a) Formic acid
b) Acetic acid
c) Cinnamic acid
d) Benzoic acid

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