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Professor & HoD Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, JSS College of Pharmacy, (Constituent College, JSS Academy of Higher Education &Research-Deemed to be University, Mysuru) Ooty-643 001, The Nilgiris, Tamilnadu,INDIA The author has about 23 years of teaching and research experience. The Author has more than 110 research publications in reputed National and International journals and has H-index 16 by scopus. He has also published 9 books. He is a recognized research guide for Ph.D in JSS Academy of Health Education and Research and He served as editorial member and reviewer in many reputed National and International journals. He is the winner in Drug Discovery Hackathon-2020 for Covid-19 Drug discovery organized by Govt of India and also received a Research grant of 14.35 lakhs in phase-II research. He is nominated as BOS member in various universities. He has organized many national and International seminar/ workshop/ Conferences etc sponsored by various funding agencies.

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Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Model QP_JSS Uni

Model Question Paper                                                                 QP Code: XXXX

Second Semester B.Pharm. Examinations – May 2017

Subject: Pharmaceutical Organic chemistry-I

Time: 3 Hrs                   Max. Marks: 75                                                                                 
SECTION – A: MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS                          20x1=20 Marks
1. Answer ALL the questions in the OMR Sheet given by using BLACK BALL POINT PEN ONLY
2. Choose the ONE CORRECT ANSWER from the 4 choices given for each question.
3. Maximum time for answering Section – A is 20 minutes.
4. Do not open the staple pin / cut the seal of the question paper booklet till you get instruction from the Chief Superintendent / Invigilator.
5. At the end of 20 minutes, submit the OMR sheet to the Chief Superintendent / Invigilator along with the question paper booklet. 

Q. No. 1 to 4 from Unit - I
1.  The General Formula for alkane is
    A) CnH2n                B) CnH2n + 2                   C) CnH2n - 2                 D) CnH2n + 1
2.  The type of hybridization occurs in alkene is
A) SP                  B) SP3                     C) SP2                              D) All the above
3.  Relative reactivities of alkyl halide in elimination reaction in the following order   
    A)  RI>RBr>RCl>RF                        B) RBr>RCl>RF>RI 
    C) RCl>RF>RI>RBr                           D) RF>RI>RBr>RCl
4.  “If more than one alkene can be formed by an elimination reaction, the more stable alkene product predominates” is known as
     A)  Hoffman rule   B) Saytzeffs rule  C) Markovnikov’s rule   D)Anti-Markovnikov’s rule
Q. No. 5 to 8 from Unit - II
5.    Alkyl halides undergo ___________ substitution  
    A) Electrophilic    B) Nucleophilic      C) Free radical         D) All the above
6.    Carbocation rearrangement is possible in_______ reaction mechanism
   A)  SN1               B) SN2                    C) E2                       D) Free radical
7.  The product obtained in SN2 reaction mechanism is_________ configuration.
A)Retention         B) Inverted            C) Both                   D) none        
8.  Number of hydroxyl groups present in Glycerol is
A)one                B) Two                    C) Three                 D) Four
Q. No. 9 to 12 from Unit - III
9.  Oxime is formed by the reaction of carbonyl group with
A) Hydroxylamine      B) Hydrazine     C) Phenyl hydrazine       D) Semicarbazide
10. Aldehydes which lack an α-hydrogen, heated with NaOH is known as______ reaction.
A) Aldol codensation    B) Cannizzaro   C) Perkin            D) Benzoin condensation
11. A temporary polarization between atoms in a multiple bond in the presence of an attacking reagent
A) Electromeric effect         B) Resonance effect C) Dipole moment    D)Polar effect 
12. Oxidation of secondary alcohol produce
A) Aldehyde                B) Ketone              C) Acid                    D) All the above
Q. No. 13 to 16 from Unit - IV
13. The presence of electron-releasing alkyl groups in carboxylic acid--------------- the acidity
A) Increase                B) Decrease             C) Neutralize           D) No change in
14. Which of the following carboxylic acid is more acidic
A) Chloroacetic acid B) Di chloroacetic acid   C) Tri chloroacetic acid D) Acetic acid
15. Hydrolysis of ester produce
A) Two moles of acid  B) Two moles of alcohol  C) Acid + Amine  D) Acid + Alcohol
16. Dimethylamine is __________  amine
A) Primary                   B) Secondary                   C) Tertiary     D) Quarternary
Q. No. 17 to 20 from Unit - V
17.   The One of the following is an example for alicyclic compound
A) Cyclohexane                    B) Toluene              C) Pyridine              D) Furan
18.        The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry was formed in the year
A) 1955             B) 1957                 C) 1958                  D) 1959
19.        Iodine The identical groups are present on opposite sides is called as
A)   Dextro isomer         B) Cis isomer                    C) Trans isomer     D) Optical isomer
20. Which of the following is the principal functional group?
A) Carboxylic acid B) Amine           C) Hydroxyl             D) Nitro

SECTION– B. ESSAYS                                                                2x10=20 Marks
Answer any TWO

Q. No. 1 from Unit – I
1. Describe various addition reactions of unsymmetrical alkenes with hydrogen halide including mechanisms.

Q. No. 2 from Unit – II
2. Give an account on the mechanism, kinetics, reactivity and stereochemistry of SN1 reaction.

Q. No. 3 from Unit – III
3. Write the reaction and mechanism for Cannizaro reaction and Benzoin condenzation.

SECTION – C:  SHORT NOTES                                                       7x5=35 Marks
Answer any SEVEN         

Q. No. 4 from Unit – I
4. Compare E1 and E2 reactions.

Q. No. 5 from Unit – II
5. Write any two preparation and chemical reactions of alkyl halides.

Q. No. 6 from Unit – III
6. Write the reaction and mechanism for Aldol condensation.

Q. No. 7 to 9 from Unit – IV
7. Write notes on acidity of carboxylic acid and effect of substituents on acidity.

8. Write any three qualitative tests for carboxylic acids.

9. Write any two preparation of amines. Write structure and uses of Ethanolamine, Ethylenediamine, Amphetamine

Q. No. 10 to 12 from Unit – V
10. Write briefly about the IUPAC rules for naming alkanes.

11. What are the types of organic compounds? Give examples for each.

12. Write notes on various structural isomerisms in organic compounds


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Organic Intermediates- Nitrenes