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Professor & HoD Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, JSS College of Pharmacy, (Constituent College, JSS Academy of Higher Education &Research-Deemed to be University, Mysuru) Ooty-643 001, The Nilgiris, Tamilnadu,INDIA The author has about 23 years of teaching and research experience. The Author has more than 110 research publications in reputed National and International journals and has H-index 16 by scopus. He has also published 9 books. He is a recognized research guide for Ph.D in JSS Academy of Health Education and Research and He served as editorial member and reviewer in many reputed National and International journals. He is the winner in Drug Discovery Hackathon-2020 for Covid-19 Drug discovery organized by Govt of India and also received a Research grant of 14.35 lakhs in phase-II research. He is nominated as BOS member in various universities. He has organized many national and International seminar/ workshop/ Conferences etc sponsored by various funding agencies.

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Tuesday, September 18, 2018

I.Pharm.D_Pharm.Organic Chemistry_Syllabus

Theory : 3 Hrs. /Week

1.      Scope and objectives:
This course is designed to impart a very good knowledge about  
a. IUPAC/Common systems of nomenclature of simple organic compounds belonging  to different    classes of organic compounds
b. Some important physical properties of organic compounds  
c. Free radical/ nucleophylic [alkyl/ acyl/ aryl] /electrophylic- substitution, free radical/ nucleophylic / electrophylic- addition, elimination, oxidation and reduction reactions with mechanism, orientation, order of reactivity, stability of compounds
d. Some named organic reactions with mechanisms          
e.   Uses of organic compounds in pharmacy.
       At the end of the course the student should be able to
1. name , write the structure of organic compound  
2. name the type of isomerism
3. compare physical  properties
4. tell the name, class of reaction 
5. tell the method of conversion of  compounds 
6. account for reactivity, orientation of reactions 
7. prepare organic compounds  
8. identify, confirm the identification of organic compound
    2.  Course materials:
 Text books
a.  Organic chemistry- T.R.Morrison and R. Boyd
b. Text book of Pharmaceutical chemistry - Bentley and Driver
c. Organic chemistry, the fundamentals of chemistry - I.L.Finar
d. Organic chemistry  - P.L.Soni
e. Text book of organic chemistry  - B.S.Bahl and Arun Bahl
 Reference books
a. Organic chemistry – J.M.Cram and D.J.Cram
b. Organic chemistry- Brown
c. Advanced organic chemistry- Jerry March, Wiley 
d. Organic chemistry- Cram and Hammered, Pine Hendrickson 
 3. Lecture wise programme :
Note: To emphasise also on definition, examples, uses in pharmacy, mechanisms of reactions .                                            
I. Classification and Nomenclature                                                                          10 Hrs
Different types of classification of organic compounds
i.                    Common- IUPAC systems of nomenclature of following classes of open chain compounds. Hydrocarbons, halohydrocarbons, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, carboxylic acid halides, carboxylic acid amides, carboxylic acid esters, acid anhydrides, amines, ethers
ii.                  Nomenclature of alicyclic compounds and aromatic compounds (non heterocyclic)
II.  Isomerism                                                                                                            04 Hrs
a.       Structural isomerism, chain isomerism, positional isomerism, functional isomerism, metamerism, tautomerism
b.      Stereo isomerism, optical isomerism, geometrical isomerism, specification of configuration, conformational isomerism
III. Structure and Properties                                                                                   05 Hrs
a.       Polar molecules, nonpolar molecules, protic molecules, aprotic molecules
b.      Inter molecular forces
c.       Melting point, boiling point of organic compounds, solubility of organic compounds
IV. Alkanes                                                                                                                03  Hrs
 Free radical substitution reactions of alkanes- reactivity, inhibition. Reaction between methane, ethane, propane and halogens
V. Alkenes                                                                                                                  08 Hrs
a. i. Dehydrohalogenation reactions of alkyl halides- kinetics, rearrangement of carbo cations, reactivity, orientation
ii. Dehydration of alcohols reactions- kinetics, rearrangement of carbo cations, reactivity, orientation
iii. E1 versus E2 reactions
b. Electrophilic addition reactions of alkenes- orientation, rearrangement of carbo cations, reactivity
c. Free radical addition reactions of alkenes- orientation, reactivity
VI. Alkyl halides                                                                                                       03  Hrs
 Preparation of alkyl halides from alcohols by Nucleophylic substitution reactions, Nucleophylic substitution reactions of alkyl halides- kinetics, reactivity, rearrangement of carbocations, solvent effect, stereochemistry. 
SN1 versus SN2 reactions
VII. Alicyclic compounds                                                                                         03  Hrs
a. Baeyer’s strain theory, Sachse Mohr theory
b. General methods of preparation
VIII. Dienes                                                                                                               03  Hrs
Classification, stability, ease of formation of conjugated dienes, electrophilic and free radical addition reactions of conjugated dienes 
IX. Aromatic compounds                                                                                         08  Hrs
a. Evidences in the derivation of structure of Benzene, aromatic  characters
b. i.  Electrophilic substitution reactions of Benzene- nitration, sulfonation, halogenations, reactivity of halogens, Friedel craft’s alkylation, reactivity of alkyl halides and limitation of Friedel crafts alkylation reactions, Friedel crafts acylation reactions.
ii. Classification of substituents
iii. Orientation of mono substituted Benzene compounds towards electrophylic substitution  reactions.
c. Nucleophilic aromatic substitution reactions- reactivity, comparison with aliphatic nucleophilic substitution reactions
X. Carbonyl compounds                                                                                          05  Hrs
a). Nucleophilic addition reactions, reactions between carbonyl compounds and hydrogen cyanide, Sodium bisulphite, hydroxyl amine, hydrazine, phenyl hydrazine, 2,4- dinitro phenyl hydrazine, alcohol
b). Aldol, crossed aldol, Cannizaro, crossed Cannizaro, Benzoin, Perkin reactions
XI. Carboxylic acids and derivatives                                                                      05  Hrs
a). Acidity of carboxylic acids and effect of substituents on it.
b). Nucleophilic acyl substitution reactions, esterification.
c). Comparison of alkyl nucleophilic substitution with nucleophilic acyl substitution reactions
XII. Amines                                                                                                               03  Hrs
a. Basicity of amines
b. Hoffmanns degradation of amides, diazotization reactions, coupling reactions, replacement reactions of aromatic diazonium salts
XIII. Phenols                                                                                                             03  Hrs
a. Acidity of phenols
b. Kolbe’s synthesis, Riemer tiemann reactions, pthalein reaction, Schotten Bauman reaction, Libermann’s nitrosation reaction

XIV. Heterocyclic compounds                                                                                 04  Hrs
Classification, nomenclature of mono and bicyclic compounds, medicinal uses of some important heterocyclic compounds
XV. Carbohydrates                                                                                                   03  Hrs
Classification, qualitative tests 
XVI. Amino acids and proteins                                                                               03  Hrs
a) Classification of amino acids, qualitative tests for amino acids
b) Classification, structure, colour reactions of proteins. Qualitative tests for proteins   

Practical: 3 Hours/week
1.      Recrystallization of organic compounds                                                             (1 exp)
2.      Preparation of simple non hetero cyclic organic compounds and recrystallisation of compounds prepared.                                                       (Minimum of 08 compounds)
                 i.        Aspirin/Benzanilide/Phenyl benzoate/Acetanilide by acylation 
               ii.        2,4,6-Tribromo aniline/Para bromo acetanilide by halogenation
             iii.        5-Nitro salicylic acid/Meta di nitro benzene by nitration
             iv.        Dibenzal acetone from benzaldehyde by Claisen Schmidt
               v.        Benzoic acid from benzyl chloride by oxidation
             vi.        Benzoic acid/Salicylic acid by hydrolysis
           vii.        1-Phenyl azo -2- napthol from aniline by diazotization and coupling
         viii.        Benzophenone oxime from benzophenone 
3.      Systematic qualitative analysis of unknown organic compounds for preliminary and Lassaigns tests.                                                                              ( 2 exp )
4.      Systematic qualitative analysis of unknown organic compounds for functional groups (for preliminary / Lassaigns /  solubility / functional group tests )
Ø  Following classes of compounds may be analysed
Ø  Phenols, amide/ urea, carbohydrate, amine, carboxylic acid, aldehyde, ketone, alcohol,  carboxylic acid ester, hydrocarbon, halohydrocarbon, nitrocompound, anilide           11
5.      Determination of melting and boiling points of organic compounds                              1
6.      Preparation of suitable solid derivatives from organic compounds                                1
7.      Introduction to the use of stereomodels – Methane,Ethane, Ethene, Acetylene, Cyclo hexane,  Benzene (Students to prepare the ball and stick stereomodels using china clay, plastic sticks individually and to explain the formation of bonds& bond angles, bond lengths)
Course Materials :      
a.       Practical organic chemistry – Mann and Saunders      
b.      Introduction to organic laboratory techniques – Pavia, Lampman, Kriz      
c.       Text book of Practical Organic Chemistry - Vogel

Scheme of Practical Examination:
                                    Sessional                     Annual
Synopsis                      04                                15
Major Experiment       12                                25
Minor Experiment      -                                   15
Viva                            04                                15
Max Marks                20                                70
Duration                     03hrs                           04hrs

 Note : Total sessional marks is 30 (20 for practical sessional plus 10 marks for regularity, promptness, viva-voce and record maintenance).

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Organic Intermediates- Nitrenes